How Much Do Cleaning Companies Charge Per Square Foot For Cleaning?

There’s no doubt that cleaning services are of a primary importance to any company. Properly maintained office spaces can help reduce illnesses and allergies, improve employee morale, and reflect more positively on your company’s reputation.
If you’ve ever dealt with cleaning companies, you know that the prices they charge can vary greatly from one company to the next. It’s possible to see commercial cleaning rates per square foot range from $0.05 to $0.55.
So why is there such a wide range you might ask? It’s because there’s more factors that go into the cleaning cost than the area that needs to be cleaned.
Number Of Employees
It stands to reason that a greater number of employees in an office will generate more dirt and therefore will require more cleaning.
The Range Of Services Required And Their Frequency
Some offices may have lots of windows that need to be cleaned, while others have few. Some offices have their own washrooms, while others share facilities with other tenants in the building. There’s also the question of whether or not there’s an employee kitchen or dining area that will require cleaning. These variables will greatly affect the scope of work required.
Then, of course, there’s how often cleaning tasks have to be completed. This can either be out of necessity, (the trash bins must be emptied daily, or they’ll overflow), or per the customer’s preference (client wants carpets vacuumed twice a week).
Supplies To Be Furnished
If the cleaning company is expected to provide trash bin liners, paper towels, garbage bags, and other such goods, it will result in a higher janitorial rates per square foot.
The Nature Of The Space To Be Cleaned
The specific attributes of the office to be cleaned can also affect the price. An office suite located in the same building as a manufacturing plant may be susceptible to getting dirtier faster, for example. Additionally, I’m sure you can understand that a retail location that gets lots of customer traffic will have different cleaning needs than an average office space.
Other Considerations
There are other aspects of a cleaning company’s operations that shouldn’t have an impact on the quoted price. You should be wary, however, of any company that quotes a deeply discounted price, as the may be cutting corners in areas such as these:
- Employee training
- Quality, professional grade equipment, and products
- Insurance and bonding
- Employee background checks
At JAN-PRO, you’ll only pay for the services you need. And with rates that start at $225 per month, you’ll want to get your free quote today!